A Study on the Attribution of International Liability for Injurious Consequences Arising out of Acts Not Prohibited by International Law 国际法不加禁止行为引起损害性后果的国际责任的归责问题研究
Due to special features of the damage causer, the claimant, and the mode of undertaking liability, building the regime of international liability for environment damage is bound to fa. 对于环境损害责任的承担主要表现为损失的分担,出于保障受害者利益和保护环境的目的,本文探析了如何构建跨境环境损害的损失分担制度。
Space environmental damages must result in international liability, whereas improving the international liability regime of space environmental damages is the urgent affairs. 空间环境损害必然引发国际责任,而加快完善有关空间环境损害的国际责任制度是当务之急。
Legal System on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects in the Framework of UN 试论联合国框架下空间物体造成损害的赔偿责任法律制度
International Liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law; 关于国际法不加禁止的行为所产生损害性后果的国际责任;
Along with product flow through territory, the cases about international product liability are becoming more and more. 随着产品的跨国流动,国际产品责任案件日渐增多。
Investigation of International Liability for Compensation of Trading Environment Damage 国际赔偿责任在贸易环境损害中的追究
The Comparative Study of the Domestic and International Environmental Liability Insurance 国内外环境责任保险比较研究
A Probe into International Product Liability Law Conflict and Causes 国际产品责任法律冲突及成因探源
The evolution and application of the system of international legal liability in the process of solving the environmental pollution questions; 国际法律责任制度的沿革及其在跨界环境污染问题中的运用;
The essay analyses the dispute, takes the state responsibility of state contract apart into international liability and responsibility of breach. 试就这两个问题进行分析,为对应国家契约中国家责任的两种产生情况,将国家契约中的国家责任分成国家的违约责任和国际责任。
In international product liability, there is a type of special subject, the importer. 在国际产品责任的赔偿中,进口商是一类特殊的主体。
Compensation is the core of international products liability system. 赔偿问题是国际产品责任制度的核心问题,随着国际经济交往的迅速发展及由于产品责任国际统一立法的缺乏,国际产品责任赔偿问题日益凸显。
International Liability for Environment Damage in Outer Space 试论空间环境损害的国际责任
By this incident, we can realize the severity of the environmental contamination accident problem and the necessity of solving this kind of problem by the way of international legal liability system. 通过该事件,我们可以认识到跨界环境污染事件问题的严重性和寻求国际法律责任制度途径解决此类问题的必要性。
Into the System of International Liability 国际责任制度探析
Part I: The general principles for compensation of international products liability include principle of complete indemnity, principle of set-off of profit and loss, principle of punitive damages and principle of limitative damages. 依据产品责任法保护消费者的立法目的以及赔偿的功能,国际产品责任之赔偿的一般原则应包括全部赔偿原则、损益相抵原则、惩罚性赔偿原则和限定赔偿原则。
A Research on the International Liability System of the Classification Society and the Countermeasures of the State 国际船级社责任制度的发展趋势及我国对策之研究
Where space debris or radioactive or chemical pollution has resulted, international liability for space environmental damage is established. 只要空间活动产生了空间碎片或放射性、化学性污染,就产生空间活动主体的国际责任。
International liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, ( International Liability for short), is an important issue in public international law. 国际法不加禁止行为造成损害性后果的国际责任,简称国际损害责任,是现代国际法中的一个重要问题。
This article listed the recent development on the field of international liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law, and discussed its influences on modern international law. 国际法未加禁止之行为引起有害后果之国际责任这一领域的新近发展体现在对国际责任编纂工作的推进上,其对现代国际法产生三大影响。
Thirdly, it introduces the legislation and practice of the status quo of the foreign environmental liability insurance system, aiming at to show the development of international environmental liability insurance system. 再次,介绍国外环境责任保险制度立法和实践现状,旨在说明国际上环境责任保险制度的发展状况,从而为我国环境责任保险制度发展提供有益借鉴。
This chapter firstly introduces the development of civil liability, we conclude that the primary mark of civil liability regime for transboundary environmental damages is that a series of international civil liability convention in special area were drafted. 该章先介绍了跨界环境民事责任的发展历程,得出跨界环境损害民事责任机制的出现主要以特定领域所签订的民事责任公约为主要标志。
The Nuremberg trial and the Tokyo trial held after the World War II got rid of the restriction of domestic trial, made history for individual international criminal liability, and laid the foundation for establishing a stable international criminal trail system. 二战后进行的纽伦堡审判和东京审判,摆脱了国内审判的羁绊,开创了个人承担国际刑事责任的先河,为建立稳定的国际刑事审判体系奠定了基础。
When those PMC personnel with the legal status of civilians breach the international law while providing contracting services, they shall be responsible for their own acts and bear corresponding international criminal liability. 在提供合同军事服务中具有平民地位的PMC就应该为其违反国际法的行为负责,而承担个人的国际刑事责任。
Meanwhile, the article would like to set a prospect for this system in the future, that a complete International liability for damage system should be established, to ensure its application in the transboundary marine pollution issues. 同时,对于这项责任制度的未来做出了展望,即建立一套完整的以国家作为主要承担主体的国际损害责任制度,保证跨界海洋污染适用国际损害责任的有效性和充分性。
In detail, three kinds are international civil liability, state liability and the double liability between state and private subject. 具体有三种不同的责任承担方式:即国际民事责任、国家责任、国家和私主体的双重责任。
International nuclear safety legislation includes the international management of radioactive waste, international conventions on emergency response of safety management about nuclear accident, international conventions on international liability for nuclear damage, as well as the international treaties of prohibition and limitation of nuclear weapons. 国际核能安全立法包括管理放射性废物的国际公约、核事故应急安全管理的国际公约、国际核损害法律责任的公约以及禁止和限制核武器的国际条约等。
The International Law Commission began the codification of the acts not prohibited for injurious consequences arising out of international liability since 1978, and has been from the perspective of state responsibility to solve this problem. 国际法委员会自1978年对此类由国际法不加禁止的行为产生的损害性后果的国际责任开始编纂以来,一直从国家责任的角度解决这一问题,但发展缓慢。